
54 Ways to Make Money Online from Home in UK

Whether it’s a ‘side-hustle’ or the beginnings of a new startup venture, it’s never been easier to make money from home. According to Informi research, as many as one in five UK workers (19%) say they have a second job on the side of their main source of income, with earnings potential of £4,992 over the course of a year. So, what are the best ways to make money online from home and earn money online?

Top ways to make money from home online or offline in UK

Modern technology has developed to such a degree that it’s extremely easy to turn anywhere into a workspace. Job roles have evolved with the digital age, with many only requiring a computer, bank account, and internet access to fulfil daily tasks. If you’re someone who focuses better at home without the distraction of (what can be) a busy, noisy office environment and feel your commuting costs are eating up a chunk of your salary, then it might be worth having a think about best ways to make money online from home.

These ideas aren’t necessarily about starting a home business, as that can be a lengthy and complicated process. These are quick ideas for side businesses or handy extra cash projects that could keep you financially happy without stepping near a station or overcrowded Starbucks. They can fit around your lifestyle, which is helpful if you have a young family and need to save money on travel or can’t commit to the 9-5, or even if you just want to improve the quality of your lifestyle by spending more time at home. Who knows, maybe one of them might develop into a booming business!

The best starting point is to know where your skills lie, have a willingness to learn new ones and embrace that inner entrepreneurial spirit…

Ways to Make Money Online from home in UK:

Technology idea

1. Computer repairer/troubleshooter

Even though our lives are dominated by computer-based technology, the vast majority of us only know so much when it comes to solving technical issues beyond the restart button. If you have an understanding of the inner workings of a PCs, tablets (or even mobile phones!) and have strong communication skills, this could be the job for you, even leading to fulltime income.

Build a local client base by word of mouth and local advertising (for example, add yourself to local directories online, attend local networking events, pop your business card in shops that stock computers/computer equipment etc.). Use remote access software e.g. TeamViewer to enable you to troubleshoot clients’ computers from home, which will also allow you to expand your client base beyond your postcode.

2. Chat Support

Become the person behind the “Hi, is there anything I can help you with today?” box that sometimes pops up on websites. The live chat service on Amazon is a classic example of instant customer service unlike working in a call center. Job sites such as regularly advertise these roles – with brands such as Silkfred offering this role based from home. With some on-the-job training, you should be able to assist online customers from the comfort of your sofa, earning some extra pennies.

3. Coder

If your background is in programming the language of computers, then these highly skilled online jobs are ones that can easily be turned into a home job. From building and testing websites and apps to developing software, all you need as a starting point is a computer and internet access. Additional equipment and software would be subject to the specific work you offer or take on.

4. Data Entry

If you are an accurate, speedy computer user then this might be the online business for you. Companies regularly outsource the inputting of information into a computer system. Simply take a look on job sites and you’ll see that many don’t require previous experience to apply.


5. Transcriptionist

Transcriptionists convert the spoken word into electronic text quickly and precisely. Speed and accuracy is essential for this job, alongside a computer, word processing software, headphones, internet access and basic computer skills.

6. Translator

Translate audio recordings, documents, watching videos etc. from your home office. Most employers require proficiency in English and another language, while others require a degree in interpretation. Either way, this is a great way to earn extra money at home.

7. Social Media Manager

If you have a background in social media content planning, writing and community management then this can easily become a freelance job in your spare time that you run remotely from home.

Promote your services to local companies who might not have a lot of money to hire a snazzy agency. Keeping it local will also mean less money travelling for meetings, market research, and content-gathering tasks. You can also offer your services from an auditing and strategy perspective, where companies employ your expertise to assess and create a social media plan for the year, while helping to train and guide staff in implementing it successfully.

Be prepared to show results at the end of your campaigns and be clear from the beginning that your rates exclude any travel expenses, should you want to take on exciting projects that require a few offsite meetings.

Read more: 10 Ways to Make Money Online in 2023

8. Online surveys

Paid surveys are best ways to make money online! Businesses pay for your opinions to help them refine their products and marketing materials. Money Saving Expert have created a detailed guide to help you get off to the most profitable start, including their list of the top 25 online survey sites, helping you to hit the ground running.

9. Online Influencer

Companies are looking for the best places online to target new customers outside their owned channels. If you run a successful blog and/or social media channel/s that specialise in an industry e.g. personal finance or home décor, you could outreach to brands to collaborate on paid content, advertising, competitions and more.

You will need to sell your story and prove your popularity through your blog traffic and social media followers, with many brands not considering you to be a micro-influencer until your social following tops 1k. Make sure to be transparent with your followers when collaborating, using #ad when producing content as part of the agreement.

10. Brand Ambassador/Representative

Some companies rely on brand ambassadors to represent them in a positive light, encouraging brand awareness and sales. A classic example is Avon, which states that if you’re trying to build your own business, “we’ll make it our mission to help you achieve it”. Activities include hosting an Avon party at home or online amongst your customers, where you showcase products and take orders. Reps can earn cash up to 25% of their sales every three weeks, allowing you flexible earnings that you can control. Further details can be found on the Avon website.

11. Virtual Assistant

An administrative-focused job that requires sharp organisation skills and attention to detail. Perform remote tasks for a number of industries, from booking travel to managing a calendar. Some jobs can last for a day, others can last for months. Search ‘virtual assistant’ on job sites and you’ll gain a better understanding of the broad requirements.

12. Personal Shopper

Have an eye for style? Promote your services to people in need of a new wardrobe or image refresh – from one-off appointments to a regular shopping trip in line with the seasons. Visit flea markets all the way to high end high street shops.

13. Personal Tutor

This is a great option for teachers who might be putting their career on hold to bring up a family or retired teachers looking to make some money on the side. Advertise locally or register on websites such as Personal Tutors. In the UK, there are no legal requirements to have any specific qualifications to become a tutor but, in general, tutors tend to have a specific academic subject and a degree-level qualification in it. A degree isn’t compulsory but helps sell your services. Online tutoring is also available to those not able to travel!

14. Virtual Tutor

Thanks to software sure as FaceTime, Skype and Google Hangouts, it’s pretty easy to tutor remotely from home.

15. Freelance Writer

If you’re a whizz with words and have a hawk-eye for grammar, then freelance writing will let you start earning to bring in a healthy salary each month. Depending on your previous roles and contacts you could hit the ground running with rates that reflect your experience and ability and make some real money blogging. Outreach to companies and contacts – there’s nothing wrong going after the brands and people you’d love to work with.

There are many success stories with this working. Make sure your LinkedIn account is up-to-date and typo-free and any personal social channels and blogs reflect you in a positive light. Set up a website that showcases your best work and if you have any areas of expertise, shout about them. Make it easy for people to get in touch with you.

As well as commissions, you can also approach websites with original content such as Listverse, Be a Freelance Blogger and WritersWeekly.

16. Copy Editor

This job is more than spotting typos; it’s about factual accuracy, grammar and overall readability. There are no set qualifications for entry into this role, but many Copy Editors have studied subjects including English, journalism, communication, marketing or media. You can enter national certificates – using search engines will point you in the right direction.

17. Virtual Recruiter

Some companies are happy to pay someone who delivers good candidates before they meet them in second-stage interviews. Working independently from an agency will mean payment for access to job boards and recruitment tools so consider this in your rates. It’s recommended you have some previous experience in this sector before freelancing as there is a deal of skill involved.

Arts and Crafts

18. Online Craft Shop

Forget selling on Amazon; turn a crafty hobby into a business by setting up an Etsy shop – a creative marketplace focusing on handmade and vintage items. While it costs £0.15 to list an item, a 5% transaction fee and 4%+ £0.20 payment processing fee, it allows you instant access to millions of buyers in the UK and worldwide looking for handmade treasures. You don’t have to worry about setting up a website for secure transactions etc. as this is all supplied by Etsy. It takes a lot of time and set-up stress off your hands, making this a quick way to get your creations out there.

There are other craft e-commerce sites such as Folksy and Zazzle, but Etsy is one of the most well-known for selling online, offering the best exposure if you’re looking to earn money from home quickly. Listed as one of our 10 side hustle businesses to start, it’s a great way to monetise your creative talents.

19. Musical Performer

Can you play a musical instrument to a high standard? Promote your talent locally and you could be providing the soundtrack to a wedding or formal function in no time. Just make sure you have a few smart outfits to hand…

20. Music Teacher

Are you a keen musician with good communication skills? A self-employed music teacher could be the gig for you.

You don’t need any formal qualifications, although they could help when it comes to gaining pupils. An option to consider is the Certificate for Music Educators (CME) or you can even take a PGCE course to become a fully qualified teacher (you’d need an undergraduate degree in music before taking this course). It’s important to set yourself up correctly including insurance and criminal record checks. Simply Business have put together a useful 7-step guide that ensures you cover these important bases from the start.

21. Sewing/Alteration services

If you’re nifty with a needle this could be a solid income for you as, according to The Guardian, more and more people are appreciating the value in repairing and patching up clothes.

22. Home Baker

Sell your bakes to local shops to sell. Start by contacting your local council explaining your plan. They will send someone to your home to inspect your kitchen/preparation area. It must be clean with the correct cleaning equipment and procedures in place for food storage etc.

Ask your council if you need to go on any specific food safety courses. The Food Standards Agency also provides helpful information to get started.

23. Cake making/Decorating

If you’re a wizard with a whisk then making special occasion cakes and bakes can be a great side business to bring in some extra money at home. Again, look into the relevant food safety procedures etc. that you’ll need in place.

24. Flower arranging

With so many tips and tricks available online, it would be quite easy to educate yourself in flower arranging. Sell your creations to local businesses, events or individuals – from centrepieces to hanging baskets, there’s a lot of scope for a successful side-business once word of mouth travels.

Home and Lifestyle

25. Babysitting

If you have a few spare evenings each week and know any parents in need of a break, this is a simple way to earn some spending money.

26. Childcare

If you plan to run daycare from home, the process is a bit more complicated but could prove more financially fruitful in the long term compared to babysitting. You need to ensure you’ve organised everything to comply with the law to ensure you’re qualified to work with and look after young children – from contacting Ofsted to applications for relevant registers. A lot of information is available online, such as this feature by

27. Doula

If you’ve had a baby and would like to support new mothers, you can become a doula – a birth partner and post-birth partner. A short course with British Doulas alongside your experience as a mum will help you become a ‘professional mother’ (N.B. this is not a medical profession). If you think you have the personal skills to support women and their families with childbirth and the immediate post-natal period then this is worth looking into.

28. Handyman/woman

Let people know you’re available for small DIY jobs, whether it’s fixing a leaky tap or putting up shelves. It might amaze you what minor household tasks people are willing to pay for. Private social network NextDoor is a place for neighbours and communities to connect – take a look as it could be a great place to advertise your services and find work.

29. Sell unwanted items

It’s a pretty obvious one, but sell anything you don’t need any more! Car boot sales, garage sales, eBay, local Facebook Marketplace pages – if you haven’t used it in the last year then consider parting with it.

30. Work out your valuables

Inherited some antiques or have a significant collection that might be worth something? Get an expert to price up your treasures so you know how much they might fetch should you ever choose to part ways with them.

31. Sell your wedding dress

If you’re prepared to part with it, a wedding dress can be a worthwhile sale when it comes to making some extra cash. Many brides can’t afford the extortionate prices of bridal shops and would be happy to consider buying a dress that’s only been worn once.

32. Rent equipment

Rent out any equipment that people might need for a one-off task e.g. tools, garden equipment, etc. There are websites designed specifically to put lenders in touch with borrowers, such as Fat Llama. You could even go as far as beginning to rent your car.

33. Rent a room

If you have a spare room, converted garage or basement, you could capitalise on the sharing economy and rent out your space on trusted sites such as Airbnb or HomeAway. The more central you are to a city, town or place of interest, the more chance you have of increasing your rate. Make sure happy visitors leave glowing reviews on your online ad.

Read more: Cheap Car Insurance Companies in the UK

34. Rent out storage space

If you have any spare space in your loft, garage, shed or spare room, it’s worth having a look at websites such as Storemates. Free to register, it takes 15% of the monthly rent but takes a lot of the admin etc. off your hands. It’s also 50% cheaper than commercial self-storage so there should be a decent demand on your doorstep.

Depending on the size of your space, you could earn between £25-£200 a month. Another site to look at is Storenextdoor (again, free to register, it takes 23% of the monthly rental to cover its services).

35. Rent out your driveway

If you live somewhere where parking’s tight and expensive, offer up a space to rent on your driveway. This could be long-term for commuters or short-term for a sports fixture. JustPark, Parklet and Your Parking Space are good starting points but ensure you are advised on aspects such as mortgage requirements, insurance and tax. If you have a designated parking space, this could also be an option for rental.

36. Gardening services

Love being outdoors but not too far from home? Offer to maintain your neighbours’ gardens for a weekly / monthly fee or a one-off. Clearing, planting, mowing – there’s a lot of business for these labour-intensive jobs that many people would prefer to avoid.

37. Dog walker/Pet sitter

Love dogs and the outdoors? Helping a pooch get some exercise and/or looking after them is a great way to make some extra cash – especially if you’re responsible for more than one. Providing a sitting service appeals to a large proportion of pet owners who have to travel for work, work long hours and go on holiday.

Dog walking is also a reliable service for the elderly who may find it difficult to exercise their companions daily, especially in colder weather. Public liability insurance is essential in case something happens to your dog/s or the public while they’re in your care.

38. Dog/cat groomer

A job most pet owners hate to do! You don’t need any set entry requirements for this line of work but you should have experience with dogs and cats. A basic course in animal care at a college or training centre would be recommended, as well as some work experience with a qualified, experienced pet groomer.

39. Plant sitting

Offer to look after indoor and outdoor plants while homeowners are on holiday, especially during the summer months when gardens need a good soak of water.

40. Yoga teacher

Turn your spare room into a yoga studio for individual lessons, or small classes if you have the room. If business goes well, you could look to create a studio in your garden! If you’re looking for training, a good start is The British Wheel of Yoga, which provides qualifications that are the highest level of yoga teacher training currently available in the UK. It’s important to ensure you’re setting your business up safely from home so make sure you’re considering elements such as any relevant insurance and planning permission.

41. Ironing service

Most people hate ironing and would happily part with some cash to have it taken care for them. Invest in a quality iron and ironing board then advertise locally and ask your friends and family to spread the word.

Product selling

Many businesses that are run from home involve the selling of products. This comes with start-up costs that you will need to consider to be able to get your business up and running.

42. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is an excellent business model for start-up e-commerce businesses. This is because it can mean that you have very low start-up costs.

The concept behind dropshipping is that instead of a business buying up stock and then selling it, they sell it to customers and then buy it from the supplier who then directly ships the product to the customer. This means that you do not have to consider the storage of stock or hold stock that has not yet been sold.

The main costs that are involved in starting up a dropshipping business are:

The cost of setting yourself up on an e-commerce platform

Your website set-up costs

Any costs that are involved in the sourcing of products

Costs linked to advertising your products and acquiring customers

43. Brand existing products

Brand existing products – or reselling – is a form of dropshipping, whereby existing brands and products are sourced from several different places, making them available to your customers in one single place.

The business model for branding existing products will often involve buying your products in bulk, often at a lower price, then selling them to your customers at a higher price. In return, you should aim to provide other benefits to your customers, such as being a one-stop shop for several different items that they may want to buy, offering detailed descriptions of the products, a customer loyalty program, or excellent customer support.

This means that you can use your expertise in a particular field without the requirement of coming up with a new product and the work and costs that go along with it.

44. Gift baskets and subscription boxes

When it comes to drop shipping businesses, gift baskets and subscription boxes are excellent strategies to boost your business’s sales on a short and longer-term basis.

Gift baskets will usually involve the collection of several different products which are then delivered to your customer in one go. They are an excellent way to showcase new products to existing customers and existing products to new customers on a one-off basis.

Subscription boxes work in a similar way to gift baskets, but it guarantees returning customers as they subscribe to receive a box at regular intervals, helping to maintain your business over a longer time.

Graphic design

If you have skills in graphic design there are a variety of ways you can put these to good use to make money from home

45. Website design

For most businesses – especially e-commerce businesses, having a well-designed and effective website is essential. A website designer will help those businesses to get the branding right and ensure the website looks professional and appealing. As well as having graphic design skills, a website designer will need to understand software/programming languages such as HTML and Javascript.

46. Marketing content design

Businesses are looking to bring their brand to life across their digital marketing channels and often this requires the skills of a graphic designer – or, specifically, a marketing content designer. In this role, you will help them to create infographics, social media posts, logos, icons, etc. If you’re working in a freelance or contracted capacity, you’ll need to ensure you’re able to follow and deliver on the client’s briefs and work within their brand guidelines (ie using the correct tone of voice, colors, logos, fonts, and images).

47. Font design

Fonts play a major role in branding. They’re used all over the place – across websites, printed materials, logos, and advertising – and help to influence how a business and its message are perceived. That might be fun. That might be serious. As a font designer, you’ll work from a brief to shape the font’s aesthetic based on its intended use, sometimes adapting existing fonts or, alternatively,  creating new unique fonts.

48. Posters and prints

Go on Etsy or any online print store and you’ll find thousands of graphic designers plying their trade. As a designer of posters and prints you can either set yourself up as an independent seller on marketplace websites like Etsy or eBay or you can try and get your designs sold through dedicated sellers and art dealers. Popular prints often involve film, music, sports, and travel – but, equally, you might want to do something more abstract or minimalist.

49. 3D animator

Perhaps your graphic design interests have seen you hone your skills as a 3D animator? This is a fast-evolving creative sector where animators are working in all kinds of areas – from TV and film to forensic and medical fields. Whilst these designs often start as sketches, you’ll need to have the technical skills to bring your models to life in a 3d capacity using software such as Autodesk, Cinema 4D, and Adobe. A passion for storytelling and problem solving is absolutely essential.

50. Illustration

The role of the illustrator predates the digital age and stretches all the way back to the time when cave drawings were used to tell stories. Things have moved on somewhat and these days illustrators are sought after to apply their skills to websites, postcards and stationery, t-shirts, film storyboarding, comic books, the fashion world, and much more. Illustrators are even sought after in more serious fields such as sketching courtroom scenes and capturing the inner workings of the human anatomy.

Marketing services

Marketing services are always in high demand and digital technology has made this a great line of work to offer as a home-based business.

51. Digital marketing consultant

If you have a broad range of digital marketing skills and experience – SEO, PPC, content, email, social media. You’ll be well placed to offer your services to businesses, helping them to reach target audiences and convert their interest into sales. Working as a consultant, you’ll be expected to have a strategic mindset so you can look at the whole picture and offer holistic solutions.

You may also be expected to get involved in the day-to-day tactical implementation of the strategy. Whether that’s copywriting on a website or setting up advertising campaigns on Facebook. As with any consultancy role, having communication skills are essential and you’ll also need to have an analytical mindset.

52. CRM specialist

Customer relationships are a hugely important part of any business. At the heart of this are the CRM systems being used to collect and organise data, automate marketing communications, and provide customer insights and analysis. If you’ve got expertise managing customer’s databases and using CRM systems, this is a skillset that is hugely valuable to organisations.

53. Paid advertising specialist

In the UK, businesses spent nearly 32 billion pounds on advertising in 2021. Whilst many businesses have their own in-house marketing teams, advertising is often outsourced to specialists. If you’ve got experience in running both online and offline advertising campaigns, businesses are looking for specialists who can provide expert insights and tactical know-how that will drive the best results with their marketing budgets.

54. SEO specialist

An SEO (search engine optimisation) specialist is somebody that works specifically to ensure that a website appears as near to the top of search engine searches as possible. Many factors are involved in this, and the algorithms that are used by search engines to define the order of these results are continually changing.

An SEO specialist will work with clients to ensure their website is optimised for search, provide content creation opportunities and insights, and cultivate links back to the website through outreach activity.


Ways to make money online from home is a viable and flexible option for many individuals. The key is to identify your skills and interests, determine the market demand, and choose a method that aligns with your goals and lifestyle. Whether you have technical expertise, creative talents, or a knack for organization, there are diverse opportunities available to supplement your income from the comfort of your home.

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